The history of peasantry in the context of the prospects of practical methodology


Yu.P. Prysyazhnyuk


Against the background of the critical reevaluating the experience of the modern and postmodern paradigms of historical writing about peasantry, applying certain fragments of the discussions concerning his own works, the author suggests to optimize their use in the Ukrainian historiography in a creative way. On this basis the author tries to make a new step in the direction of the challenges of posthumanitarics, going to the so called practical methodology and taking advantage of its criteria such as emotions, empathy and sincerity. In this context the works of the Polish researcher Е. Domanska seem to be especially valuable. The researcher generalizes the theoretical theses not only of Polish, but also of the new Anglo-American historiography. The author‘s comprehension is on the level of the specific-cognitive introduction to the innovations. Generaly, it gives an opportunity not only to create new knowledge, but also to improve and diversify of the ways of its presentation which remains a big problem for the Ukrainian specialists. The author is aware of the fact that the suggested theses need further theoretical comprehension and practical developing.




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