Provision of employees of enterprises of coal industry East Ukraine during the First World War


L.I. Syniavska


Highlighted the conditions in which workers of coal industry East of Ukraine were during 1914–1917 and the circumstances that determined conditions of consolidation workers in the province. Indicated that during the 1914–1917 Russian government and miners of the region have made great efforts to ensure uninterrupted extraction of mineral fuels. For this purpose was carried sufficiently flexible personnel policies, mounted high wages, significant effort was aimed at providing people with food and essential commodities. Highly skilled workers usually received defer of conscription. Shown, which factors influenced the decline in professional training of workers of coal industry during the First World War. We used the labor of prisoners of war, whose share in the average ranged from 10% to 30% of workers, but some companies also reached 50%. Moreover, increased the proportion female labor and the use of underage workers in jobs, although in most cases remains low, especially in the performance of heavy underground work.




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