
Anatoliy Morozov
Nadia Pavlova


The most informative reports about the Ukrainian lands and their inhabitants, which were written by the foreign authors during the 9th – 16th centuries were analyzed and presented, accompanying scientific comments. The mechanisms of forming and changing the hetero image (literally «Image of stranger») of Ukrainian lands in the mind of close and distant neighbors – travelers of the 9th – 16th centuries were analyzed from the standpoint of literary comparative studies, imagology, and identity studies.

Due to the special geopolitical situation of the Ukrainian lands, their development took place in close connection with the European and Asian societies. The long and intense interaction between historical actors, which at times was represented not only by different peoples but also by civilizations, resulted not only in an active cross-cultural exchange but also in inducing eyewitnesses to the corresponding reflections that were reflected in the pages of views, descriptions, travels diaries, letters, etc. In the context of globalization and intensive international contacts, the conversion of «past game» games into productive classes can be chosen to better understand the peculiarities of the historical development of different peoples and the specifics of their worldview.

Methods of researching are represented by: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization and comparative method.

A comprehensive and systematic review of the descriptions of stranglehold trawlers who visited the territories of Ukraine, provides an opportunity to elucidate in detail the individual aspects of the history of culture and the everyday life of the Ukrainian people. Such plots occupy a prominent place in the narratives of Ibn Fadlan, Al-Masudi, A. Gvanini, M. Lytvyn and E. Lyassota. In addition, foreign travelers emphasize the socio-cultural and military-political aspects of the life of the Ukrainian people of the XIX XVI centuries. respectively, and also characterize the situation of certain segments of the population.

From the perspectives of comparative studies, imagology, and identity studies, authors traced the evolution and found out the regularities of changing the heterogeneity of Ukrainian lands in the eyes of contemporaries during the IX – XVI centuries.

Numerous reports indicate that the Ukrainian lands, due to their geopolitical location, as well as the transit status between Europe and Asia, occupied an important place in the system of communications of the past centuries. Therefore, it was reflected on the pages of sources of personal origin of foreign travelers.




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