Legal regulation of medical activityon Ukrainian lands in X-XIXth centuries
Introduction. The efficiency of public policy in health care depends from the level of development of system existing regulations from that how deeply and fully regulated social interaction in medical sector. The necessary condition for finding out the level of modern «medical» legislation and its future prospects is to study the historical and legal aspects of regulation medical activity. Using this historical heritage is an important source of building system of healthcare of modern Ukraine.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify trends in the development of legal regulation of medical activities in Ukrainian lands in the Х–ХІХth centuries оn the basis of study of legal monuments, legislative acts and scientific works.
Results. It is set that the hallmark of the period of Kievan Rus is an ability to establish independent law-organized types of medical aid: folk medicare, monasterial medicare, society medicare.
In the territories of modern Ukraine, which in the course of the XII- XVIIth centuries were part of the Galician-Volyn principality, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, medical activities were regulated by the legislation of these states. However, norms that could significantly affect the development of the health care system have not been adopted.
This period forms pre-conditions of regulation grant of medicare. The epoch of Peter I characterized by the strongly pronounced public-legal mechanism regulating medical activity and structural changes in health care management. During the period of Russian Empire is still being improved public health care system largely due the organization of rural medicine and acceptance of Medical Charter.
The development of medicine on Ukrainian lands, which became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the XVIIth century, occurred according to the latest European model. All this contributed to the development of pharmaceutical and medical affairs in the Western Ukraine.
Conclusion. Formation of legal support medical activities in the eastern and western regions of Ukraine for a long time was carried under the influence of samples dominating states. Legal regulation of health care in the X-XIХth centuries indicates to the quality changes in its system which focused on preserving and strengthen health of population.
The main trends of the legal regulation of medical activity in Ukrainian lands in the Х-ХІХ centuries were as follows: gradual approach of medical care to the wider population; the separation from the general medical service of independent specialties, which demanded and received their legal regulation; the division of general medical practice into medical and pharmaceutical practice; creation of special bodies for health care management.
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