Ukrainian national self-identity: formation algorithms in the conditions of globalization processes
Introduction. The integration of our country into international educational space is connected with some qualitative and competitive changes in national educational system. Ethnic factors dominated in citizens’ identification before the 21thcentury, today economic factors are clearly more important in this process. A significant increase in the mobility of young people increases the pace of changing of the place of residence, what leads to a focus on the formation of private interests instead of creating ties with rights and responsibilities towards certain nations. For many nation states, this development creates certain threats to their future development.
The purpose of this researchis to determine the key trends and changes in socioeconomic and cultural aspects of national identity with the goal to improve the security of nation states and to strengthen their competitiveness.
The research tasks are: to characterize the main approaches to determining nation’s identity; to analyze the main economic, social, cultural criteria of national identity; to analyze the conducted survey concerning the key points of Ukrainians’ national identity; to offer approaches to national identity shaping based not only on cultural and political, but also economic and social values.
Results. The main criteria for the identification of a person with a particular nation are not only cultural, but also political, social and economic. In the context of globalization, the role of socioeconomic factors associated with the identification of a person with a group is clearly increasing, especially the role of public resources needed for economic development and the complicity in the use and management of these resources. A person needs self-identification to become a member of a social group for reproduction, for the use and protection of resources of the social groups’ development and for the protection of vital interests that people cannot provide them or with the family. It is important for people to acquire a social role in the society through which they identify themselves with the rest of the nation.
Originality.In terms of urbanization, the global redistribution of ownership and the increasing mobility of young people causes a threat to the common value system of the society and thus to the common identity. Therefore, the state should support the creation of a new system of values, preferably based on the development of cultural practices, ideology and joint management of people.
Conclusion. The problem of Ukrainian national identity formation in the conditions of various historical globalization factors has been considered. The concept of national identity and the Ukrainian national idea has been discussed. The article is devoted one of the urgent problems of historical Soviet and post-Soviet influence period to preserve Ukrainian national identity.
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