Professors corporation of the St. Volodymir University in Kyiv in Socio-Cultural Space of the 19th centuries


Vitaliy Vasylenko


Introduction. The history of the Ukrainian higher school has always been at the center of scientific research. The development of new directions and schools, as well as the elimination of ideological prohibitions in the early 1990s, contributed to the intensification of university education research. In this context, researchers shift their vector from the study of common processes to more substantive levels. Kyiv played an important role in the daily university environment. The historical-anthropological approach allows us to identify some aspects of the interaction between the city and the professorial corporation.

Purpose. Investigation of the role of the professorial corporation in the cultural and social life of Kyiv in the nineteenth century.

Results. In is revealed the significance of the academic body in the socio-cultural space of Kyiv. Some aspects of interaction between the city and the university are revealed. It was followed the activities of the professorial corporation as the intellectual elite of Kiev and it was explored the image of the city in the daily life of the professors of the St. Volodymyr University.

Originality. For the first time, the subject of the study was the relationship between the professorial corporation and the city in social and cultural senses.

Conclusion. University professors played an important role in the cultural and public life of Kiev. The high status of the scholarly republic contributed to the development of education and culture. Thus, the professorial corporation and university occupied a leading role in the socio-cultural life of the city.




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