


Introduction. The history of university education occupies a significant place in the scientific discourse. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by the gradual shift in studying the particular aspects of educational and cultural history towards the microhistorical approach. The everyday life of professor’s corporation as a separate elite social group belongs to one of those research aspects. The following issue results from the latest tendencies within Humanity Studies, which focus on the history from the perspective of common people and separate social groups.

Purpose. The article aims to identify and analyse specific features of St. Volodymyr University professors’ private and professional life.

Methods. The study is based on the historical anthropology approach which enables scholars to unfold the main aspects of professors’ everyday life within the academic corporation.

Results. The article describes the characteristics of private and professional life of St. Volodymyr University academic corporation representatives. It also specifies the particular factors which affect the functioning of the educational institution as a fundamental element of the Empire's educational system.

Originality. This paper presents an attempt to specify the particular characteristics of professors’ everyday life in personal and professional spheres.

Conclusion. It is shown that the specifics of university operation and the aims of its foundation had a profound influence on the university everyday life. The distinctive features of professors’ daily life are introduced by establishing the cultural environment, setting own traditions and sharing individual views, that reflected the mission of the educational institution in times of the Empire. 





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