The history of the formation of the Poltava cadet corps


Stanislav Safonov


Introduction. Revival of the interest of society in the problem of studying the history of military educational institutions and analysis of historical experience of military training.

Purpose. The disclosure of the creation of the Poltava Cadet Corps as the first military educational institution in Ukraine.

Results. Cadet corps in Ukraine appear in the 1930’s. Their discovery was caused by the growing needs of the army in skilled officers as well as by government plans to expand the network of military educational institutions regionally. To attract the nobles of Malorosia to military service Poltava military general governor Repnin realized the idea of founding a cadet corps-educational institution for noble children in Poltava. The corps was opened on December 6, 1840. The building of the building was built in the best traditions of provincial classicism. This institution gave the local nobility the opportunity to acquire education, without which it was impossible to move in the service and receive new ranks.

Conclusions. The Russian Empire paid considerable attention to the training of military personnel, which was associated with constant wars and the need to strengthen the defense capability. Poltava Cadet Corps during the Russian Empire was the first and most prestigious cadet school in Ukraine. An interesting interest remains in the experience gained by the Cadet Corps in the field of military-patriotic and spiritual and moral education of youth.




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