Mykola Kysil: personality aspect of the historical portrait of the head of Cherkasy county


A. Kotichenko


The article is devoted to Mykola Kysil who was the outstanding person of his epoch. The author paid her attention to the common character of Mykola, his personal and professional qualities and views. The author makes an attempt to systemize the achievements of the foreign and national historiography on the given problem. At the same time the author admits that not whole the aspects of the problem had got proper attention in historical writing. It pointed out that professional skills and successful diplomatic activity helped Mykola to build his career and to serve Motherland. The famous diplomat was often called as a master of compromises and negotiations. The author underlines the perspective directions of the further studying problem. Unfortunately the figure of Mykola Kysil, the head of Chekasy county was forgotten. Nowadays his policy and activity can be a marker of the activity of the statesman. The personality of famous nobleman is a prespective direction of futher studying the problem of local nobility.




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