
Andriy BUTKO


This article covers the issues of changing the name of the territory of the Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate in the period from the beginning of the XVII in the first half of the XVIII century, having analyzed the information of the available written sources; information provided historiographical literature with regard to the borders of Zadniprsky places and their administrative affiliation; a general analysis of descriptions and images of the territory is made on the base of the available written sources and cartographic materials; determination of the specified territory within the limits of modern administrative units of the Central Ukrainian region is carried out by means of electronic research methods.

The article is devoted to the history and geography of the territory of Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate in the period from the beginning of the XVII – in the first half of the XVIII century.

To investigate the issue of changing the territory of the Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate in the period from the beginning of the XVII to the first half of the XVIII century, to analyze the information of the available written sources and providing information about historiographical literature regarding their borders and administrative affiliation; to make a general analysis of the descriptions and images of the territory available at the disposal of written sources and cartographic materials; to identify the specified territory within the modern administrative units of the Central Ukrainian region by electronic methods of research.

During the period of the polish protectorate from the beginning of the XVII century and up to 1686, for the Rzecz Pospolita, the Right bank of the Dnieper River to the Southern Bug, south of the Tyаsmyn and Big Vise rivers, about 200 in length and about 20 kilometres wide, were geographically determined Potyasmynnya. In the last quarter of the XVII century to the first half of the XVIIІ century, during the period of the Russian protectorate, mentioned territories were defined as the Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate.

The Zadniprsky places of the left bank of the Mirgorod and Poltava regiments of the Hetmanate were geographically bounded: with the Ukrainian territory under the protectorate of the Rzecz Pospolitа, in the north and west, Ukrainian territories controlled by the Turks and Crimean Tatars in the southwest, by the lands of the Zaporizhzhya Sich in the south.

From the second quarter of the XVII century to the beginning of the XVIII century, the territory was administratively related to the Chyhyryn Cossack regiment and partially to the Korsunsky and Bila Tserkva regiments, and from the 30`s of the XVIII century to 1752, to the left bank of the Mirgorod and Poltava regiments.

The territory of Zadniprsky places of the Myrgorod and Poltava regiments of the Hetmanate in 1752 was transferred to the military-economic settlement named New Serbia.

According to the results of the study and description of the territories of Zadniprsky places were mapped in 1743, 1745 and 1751.

The former Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate are the territory that now occupies the southern part of the Chyhyryn district of the Cherkasy region and the northern part of the Kirovograd region, the northern parts of the Pyatihatsky and Verkhnedneprovsky districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region, the southern right bank of the Kremenchug district of the Poltava region.

The former Zadniprsky places of the Hetmanate were not the subject of a separate special study in Ukrainian historical science, and this topic still remains little explored. When investigating this topic, the author uses available written sources and historiographical literature, cartographic materials, resorts to the use of modern electronic means and methods for determining distances and areas.

Gradually, the territory of the Hetmanate to the south of the river Tyasmyn, from the end of the XVII century, is consolidated in the Moscow kingdom under the geographical terminology – «the territory on that side of the Dnieper» according to its geographical location relatively to it. The documented term «Zadniprsky places» did not exist during the period of the polish protectorate, because for the Rzecz Pospolita this territory was geographically not Zadnіprovya, but Potyasmynnya. After the Russo Turkish war of 1735–1739, the territory is finally secured by the Russian Empire. The term «Zadniprsky places» appears in official Russian documentary studies from the 40’s of the XVIII century. Actually, the name «Zadniprsky places» we encounter in documents from 1744 year, when «the Zadniprsky places marked» were assigned to the Myrgorod and Poltava little Russian regiments. Numerous documents and information about them about the Zadniprsky sites refers to 1752 and subsequent years in connection with the transfer of their territory to the settlement of Serbs and other Balkan peoples under the name «New Serbia».




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