


Historiography of the mentioned issue has not been studied yet in such dimension. However its sources come back to the medieval, new, pre-revolutionary, soviet and contemporary historiography that proves researchers’ interest, though uneven, within their historical consciousness in the history of Trakhtemyriv land as something legendary and real. Unfortunately at the end of the 1920–s and up to the end of the 1980-s under the specific conditions of the soviet monomethodology when a mutation of the history memory happened this problem was not paid the necessary attention, though archeological works could have given an impulse for the historians’ further scientific researches. After obtaining the independence of Ukraine in 1991 this tendency continued but under the new conditions connected with the methodological reorientation and showing history from the position of national and state direction. Due to the following it is necessary just to primarily, axiomatically find out about the study state of this issue and what attention is paid to it by the modern Ukrainian researchers. We also try to describe the prospects for the deep investigation of this theme already in the modern historical, source–studying and historiographical contexts.

The purpose of the article is to explore the studying process of the offered theme in the Ukrainian and foreign history sciences on the basis of the documentary sources and rich literature according to the defined historiographic periodization.

Historiographic researches of the problem showed that the complete destruction of the architectural buildings, namely castles, temples, palaces, monasteries and fortresses, was caused by the difficult situation in which the Middle Over-Dnieper region was in different periods of population’s living (Tatar-Mongol yoke, boarder territories in the Lithuanian period, Polish ruling and destroying the boarder fortresses and villages by the Russian government, a part of the territory submersion in 1970-s). The same happened to Trakhtemyriv peninsula. The prosperity of Trakhtemyriv (more precise Terechtymyrov) took place at the end of the XVI century. Its decline started at the end of the XVII century, though it was well remembered in the ХІХ century, which is evident from the texts by Taras Shevchenko. The next blow was made to Trakhtemyriv already in the soviet time and during the interval when its master was the notorious I. Bokai. He built a whole castle for the nobility to have a rest after hunting, now it is ruined. Later Trakhtemyriv remained a poorly populated small village. However even after that something was preserved on the mountains praised by Shevchenko. We made the following periodization for the historical development of Trakhtemyriv: the first ancient period (represented by the archeological monuments); the second period «The prince age, history of the Kievan Rus, Galicia-Volyn and Lithuanian-Rus states (ХІ-хVІ centuries)»; the third period «Cossack-Hetman age (ХVІІ – the middle of the ХVІІІ century)»; the fourth period (the second half of the ХVІІІ century – the beginning of the ХІХ century); the fifth period (the middle of the ХІХ century); the sixth period (the end of the ХІХ century – the beginning of the ХХ century); the seventh period (20s – the beginning of the 30s in the ХХ century); the eighth period (the middle of the 1930s – the second half of the 1980s); the ninth period (in the late 1980s and early 1990s – up to nowadays). Studying the historiography of the issue according to the defined period showed that the history of Trakhtemyriv lands is closely connected with the available historical monuments and literature which is fixed on the history of Ukraine almost in all its periods. Analysis of the vast sources and literature proved a considerable though uneven interest to the the history of Trakhtemyriv among archeologists, historians, regional ethnographers and foreign, first of all Polish researchers. Modern Ukrainian scientists prepared separate articles as well as some monographies, namely M. I. Zharkykh, which deserve much attention. Historiography of the issue showed that it is necessary to continue the research of the Trakhtemyriv lands during all historical periods already under the new conditions and pay attention to their soviet and modern periods.

Analyzing the historical and cultural heritage of Cherkasy region we showed the peculiar meaning of Trakhtemyriv and its land for the Ukrainian state due to important events of the Ukrainian history which have happened here. The historical and cultural reserve «Trakhtemyriv» was created here in 1994. The area of the reserve is 590 hectares. The archeological cultural layer of the Trakhtemyriv reserve which was formed due to the settling at this territory during 3–4 thousand years is an especially valuable object of the national heritage of the Ukraine’s people and it is an inseparable part of the all-European inheritance. The scientific research of the history especially the cultural layer of the reserve plays an important role in exploring the historical past which will contribute to the people’s spiritual enrichment and its patriotic upbringing. The archeological cultural layer contains not only findings from the midi–bronze age (three-field system and other cultures) up the late Middle Ages but also ruins of the buildings, houses and ancient burial grounds which characterize the material and spiritual culture of the peoples who have lived her. According to the world practice we refer some evicted settlements to the category of the archeological objects which have the status of the historical settlements mentioned in the historical sources of the ХI–ХVIII centuries. They are: Buchak, Zarubyntsi, Trakhtemyriv and Monastyriok. All cemeteries are to be registered, conserved and preserved irrespective of their foundation time. There are 81 archeological, 9 historical and 9 natural monuments on its territory. Among them are the following: a site of the Mousterian culture (120–130 thousand years ago), Trakhtemyriv Scythian site of ancient settlement, temple ruins of annalistic Trakhtemyriv monastery, multi-layer settlement on the mountain Horodky, Cossack cemetery in the village Trakhtemyriv, nature monuments: Kaniv’s dislocations, reserved area, Rozhyna Krynytsia. The development of the historical thought with its understanding the history of the Trakhtemyriv land happened at the beginning of the ХІ century starting from Nestor-the annalist, due to the annalists of the Lithuanian-Polish age, the Cossack annalists (Grabianka, S. Velychko, Samovydets and others) up to the author of «The History of Ruses», D. Bantysh-Kamenskyi, by means of preserving the national state tradition in the works by M. Maksymovych, M. Kostomarov, T. Shevchenko, M. Hrushevskyi, A. Strozhenko, D. Yavornytskyi, D. Doroshenko, N. Polonska-Vasylenko, B. Rybakov, P. Tolochko, a number of archeologists, especially V. Khvoiko, E. Maksymov, V. Petrashenko and others and modern researchers. However, the biggest contribution into the studying the history of Trakhtemyriv has been made by the modern scientist M. Zharkykh who has cleared its history from the inventions and noncreditable information.




Petrashenko V., Maksymov, Ye. (2000). Trakhtemyriv. Travelling in the past. K., 102 p. – 84 il. (in Ukr.).

Zharkykh M. I. (2013). Trakhtemyriv]. K., 277; – Retrieved from: http: // www. M-Zharkikh.name/uk/History/Terextemyriv.html. The title from the sceen; The same author. Trakhtemyriv. Encyclopaedia of the History of Ukraine: in 10 vol. / eds.: V. A. Smolii (head) and others. : In-t istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukainy. 10, 138–139. (in Ukr.)

Zarakhovskyi, O. Ye. (2014). Cultural heritage of Cherkasy region as a tourist resource: scientometrical analysis of the publications. Kultura i mystetstvo u suchasnomu sviti: Naukovi zapysky KNUKiM/ Kyivskyi natsionalnyi universytet kultury i mystetstv. 15, 35–42. (in Ukr.)

Neradenko, T. M. (2008). Archeological heritage of Cherkasy region in the context of the tourism development. Cherkashchyna v konteksti istorii Ukrainy, 167–172. (in Ukr.)

Petrashenko, V. O. (2010). Reserves of Kaniv with an archeologist’s eyes. Arkheolohiia i davnia istoriia Ukrainy. Problemy davnoruskoi ta serednovichnoi arkheolohii, 1, 555–558. (in Ukr.)

Piasetskyi, P. (1645). «Chronica gestorum in Europa singularium». Historical chronicle of Europe. Krakiv: Pier Shevalie (1681). Histoire de la Guerre des Cosaques contre la Pologne» (Istoriia viiny kozakiv proty Polshchi; Samuil Tvardovskyi Viina domova (Wojna domowa z Kozaki i Tatary, z Moskwą, potym Szwedami i z Węgry przez lat dwanaście za panowania… Jana Kaziemierza… Na cztery podzielona księgi… Opus posthumum. – Kalisz). History of the war between Cossacks and Poland; Zrzódła do dziejów polskich, wydawane przez Mikołaja Malinowskiego i Alexandra Przezdzieckiego. Wilno: 1844, 2, 159; Annals byYa.Yuzefovych: it was firstly published in short translation in 1854 (it embraces the events of 1614–1700s) Yuzefovych borrowed much from the books published by V. Kokhovskyi and P. Piasetskyi. Sbornyk letopysei, otnosiashchykhsia k ystoryy yuzhnoi y zapadnoi Rusy. K.: 1888, forword, pp. 31–34. He mentions Trakhtemyriv in connection of establishing ordination in 1638; Samuil von Pufendorf published the book «Introduction to the history of empire and states» in 1683. Introduction to the Euripean History, 1723, 695, 707; Cyaneae oder die im Bosphoro Thracico ligende hohe Stein–Klippen was published in 1678 in Augsburg: see about it: Kovalskyi N. P., Mytsyk Yu. A. «Cyaneae» is a German composition of the late 17th century and its data on the history of Slavs. Voprosy hermanskoi ystoryy y ystoryohrafyy. Dnepropetrovsk, 1975. 3, 137–146; Rajnolda Heidensteina, secretarza krolewskiego, Dzieje Polski od smierci Zygmunta Augusta. Ksiag XII, z łacinskiego przetłomaczył Michał Gliszczynski, zyciorysem uzupelnił Wlodzimierz Spasowitz. Petersburg, 1857, vol. 2, p. 370; Ioakhym Belskyi (1540–1599) as well as R.Heidenstein was a secretary of the kings Stefan Batorii and Syhizmund the third. Thus he knew the state affairs of the Rech Pospolyta, like his father – Martyn Belskyi – he had an inclination to History. Ioakhym finished and published (1597). «Polish Chronicle», written by his father, having continued it (There is Russian translation: Storozhenko A. V. (1904) Stefan Batoryi and Dnieper Cossacks. K., 267–272; Biblioteka Ordynacji Krasińskich. Muzeum Konstantego Świdzińskiego. Warszawa: 1881, 5–6, № 160, 336–338; Niemcewicz J. U. Zbiór pamiętników historycznych o dawney Polszcze. Lwów: 1833, 6, 107–122; Niemcewicz J. U. Zbiór pamiętników historycznych o dawney Polszcze. Lipsk: 1839, 4, 276; Zrzódła do dziejów polskich, wydawane przez Mikołaja Malinowskiego i Alexandra Przezdzieckiego. Wilno: 1844, 2, 159; Volumina legum. Spb., 1859, 4, 297–307; Volumina legum. Petersburg: 1860, 6, 14–26, 76–77, 146; Volumina legum. – SPb.: 1860, 7, 250–315, about Trakhtemyriv on p. 269; Okolski S. (1858). Dyariusz transakcji wojennej miedzy wojskom koronnym i zaporoskim w r. 1637, tudzież Kontynuacya diariusza wojennego w roku 1638. Kraków :. avtor statti pro S. Lashcha. Polski słownik biograficzny, 18, 268; Samiilo Kishka’s letter Listy Stanisława Żółkiewskiego 1584–1620 (1868). Kraków. 108–109, № 75; Woyciech Ossowski (1876), manu propria. Arkhyv yuho–zapadnoi Rossyy. K., part 3, vol. 3, № 306, 634–636.; Jabłonowski, A. (1877). Źródła dziejowe., 5, 131–132. Vossoedynenye Ukrayny s Rossyei. Dokumenty y materyaly v trekh tomakh (1953). M., vol. 1, p. 29, № 17; Starożytna Polska pod względem historycznym, jeograficznym i statystycznym, opisana przez M. Balińskiego i T. Lipińskego (1885). Warszawa. 2, 580–581; Rocznik Towarzystwa historyczno-literackiego w Paryżu. Rok 1868. Paryż 1869; republished in the book: Holubev, S. T. (1883). Kievan metropolitan Piotr Mohyla and his followers. K., 1, 495; A geographical dictionary of the Polish kingdom and other Slavonic areas. Warszawa, 1885, vol. 12, p. 453; Rulikowsky E. Trechtemirów (1892). A geographical dictionary of the Polish kingdom and other Slavonic areas. Warszawa, 12, 453, 455–456, 458; Jarosz W. (1903). Legenda Batoryańska. Kwartalnik historyczny. 4, 616; BUW, oprac. Elżbieta Budzińska (1982). Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Jana Henryka Müntza podróże malownicze po Polsce i Ukrainie (1781–1783) : album ze zbiorów Gabinetu Rycin, 354 p; Bobiński, W. (2000). Województwo Kijowske w czasach Zygmunta III Wasy. Warszawa, pp. 222, 478, 582; Bobiński, W. (2000). Województwo Kijowske w czasach Zygmunta III Wasy. Warszawa, 222, 478, 582; Cossack uprising in 1638. (2010). Zabrze, pp. 21–23–25, 43–44; Korespondecja Stanisława Koniecpolskiego hetmana wielkiego koronnego 1632–1646 (2005). oprac. A. Biedrzycka. Krakow, 411 – 414, 474–477, 500–507, 524–527, 619, 638, 697–698 and others. (in Poln.)

Rybakov, B. A. (1993). Birth of gods and goddesses. Myfy drevnykh slavian. Saratov, 146–247. (in Ukr.)

Tolochko, P. P. (1980). Kyev and Kievan land in the epoch of the feudal fragmentation in XII–XIII centuries. K., 144; The same author (1989). Ancient Russian feudal city. K., 61. (in Russ.)

Gadiach colonel Grabianka’s annals (1992). Per. iz staroukr. K.: T-vo «Znannia» Ukrainy, 192 p.; Samovydets’s annals (1971). (Dzyra Ya.I. Introduction article). K.: Naukova. dumka, 206 p.; Zbirnyk kozatskykh litopysiv:( 2006). Collection of the Cossacks’ annals: Hustynskyi, Samiilo Velychko, Hrabianka. Сollected and translated by V. Krekoten, V. Shevchuk, R. Ivanchenko. – Kyiv: Dnipro, 974 p.

Collection of Cossack annals: Gustynskyi, Samiilo Velychko, Grabianka (2006). Сollected and translated by collected and translated by collected and translated by V. Krekoten, V. Shevchuk, R. Ivanchenko. – Kyiv: Dnipro, 974. (in Ukr.)

Description of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (1826). Evhenyi (Bolkhovytynov). K., appendix, № 7, p. 28; Myller, H. F. (1846) Historical compositions about Little Russia and Littlerussians. M., 4, 47–49; Complete collection of the laws in the Russian empire (1830). Collection 1 (1649–1825), 2, p. 776; Complete collection of the Russian annals (1908) Vol. 2. Hypatian Codex. – Spb.:, 2–nd ed., forword, p. 13; Hypatian list to 1147. (1908). Polnoe sobranye russkykh letopysei. Spb, 2-nd ed., vol. 2, p. 340; Monuments published by the Temporary comission for analysing ancient acts. K., 1846, 2, 46. Monuments published by the Temporary comission for analysing ancient acts. K., 1846, vol. 2, part 1, № 5; The above-noted work (1848). K., , vol. 1, part 3, pp. 359 – 360; The above-noted work. K., 1898, vol. 1, № 67, p. 330; The above-noted work (1898). K., , vol. 3, part 3, № 129, pp. 428–432; Acts relating to the history of the southern and western Russia (1861). SPb, vol. 3, pp. 415–416; The above-noted work (1863). vol. 4, pp. 218, 219–176; The above-noted work 1867, vol. 5, pp. 26–27, 50; № 67, p. 111, № 79, pp. 123–124; p. 131, № 91; The above-noted work. (1869), vol. 6, № 20, pp. 64–65; The above-noted work. (1872), vol. 7, pp. 331, 332; The above-noted work. (1875), vol. 8, p. 67; The above-noted work (1877) 9, 350–355; The above-noted work (1878), vol. 10, p. 306; p. 422; pp. 457–460; Collection of annals relating to the history of the southern and western Russia (1888). K. , forword, pp. 1–12, 27, 117 and others; South Russian annals published by N. Belozerskiy (1856). K., vol. 1, p. 51; Collection of annals relating to the history of the southern and western Russia (1888). K., p. 3 and others; Sbornyk letopysei, otnosiashchykhsia k ystoryy yuzhnoi y zapadnoi Rusy. [Collection of annals relating to the history of the southern and western Russia (1888). K., forword, 1–12; Archive of the South-western Russia (1863). K. part 3, vol. 1, pp. 236–237, 279–344; Archive of the South-western Russia (1886). K., part 7, vol. 1, pp. 98–99, 102, 105, 121, 356–411, 588–589; Description of the documents and cases preserved in the archive of the holy ruling synode (1907) Spb., vol. 15, pp. 185–187; Kurdiumov M. H. (1907) Description of the acts preserved in the imperial archeographical commission. Lessons Annals of the archeological commission. vol. 17, pp. 22, 59–60, 135–136; Description of the documents and cases preserved in the archive of the holy ruling synode (1909). Spb., vol. 31, pp. 591–595; Description of the Kyivan vicegerency in 70–80s XVIII century (1989). K., Description of the Kyivan vicegerency in 70–80s of the XVIII century: descriptive and statistic sources (1989). AN Ukrainskoi RSR, Arkheohr. komis., In-t istorii [ta in.]; [collected by H. V. Bolotov and others; eds.: P. S. Sokhan (chief editor) and others]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 389.; Sources of the Little Russia, collected by D. N. Bantysh-Kamenskyi – Readings in the society of history and Russian antiquities (1858). 1, 19–20; Story about Zaporozhian Cossacks (1847). Chtenyia v ymperatorskom obshchestve ystoryy y drevnostei rossyiskykh pry Moskovskom unyversytete, 6, 5 and others; Story about Zaporozhian Cossacks (1852). Odessa: v horodskoi typohrafyy, 4–5 and others; Eric Lyassota from Steblev’s diary (1890). Memuary, otnosiashchyesia k ystoryy Yuzhnoi Rusy. Perevod K. Melnyk (eds. V. Antonovych. K., issue 1 (XVI c.), p. 161 and others; Eric Lyassota from Steblev’s diary (2003). Zaporozka starovyna. Kyiv–Zaporizhzhia: NDI kozatstva Zaporizke viddilennia, 222–277; Dnevnyk, S. (1882). S. Osventsym’s diary. Kyevskaia staryna, 1, 130, 136; Bantysh-Kamenskyi D. N. (1822). History of the Little Russia from the slavs’ settlement in this country to the destruction of hetmanship. M., vol. 1, pp. 17–19; vol. 4, pp. 206–222, about Trakhtemyriv pp. 213–214; History of the Little Russia from the slavs’ settlement in this country to the destruction of hetmanhood. (1830). M., vol. 1, pp. 139–140; the same author (1842) History of Little Russia. M., vol. 1, pp. 123–124; History of Ruses (1846). M., 28–29; History of Little Russia (Moskva, 1842–43) by M. Markevych also found many factual materials from «History of Rusovs» (Later «H. R». – V. G.) and gave her way of Ukrainian history; T. Shevchenko used some plots and images from «H. R.» in his works «Big cellar», «Hamaliia», «Ivan Pidkova», «Taras’s night», «Nykyta Haidai» and others, M. Gogol used it in his novel «Taras Bulba». «H. R.» was republished many times: Ukrainian translation by V. Davydenko(1956).; introductory article by O. Ohloblyn (1991). New-York, reprinted reedition. 1846. K., Ukranian translation by I. Drach, forword by V. Shevchuk (1991). K., 2001; notes and indices by Ya. Dzyra and I. Dzyra. K., 2003 and others; Symonovskyi P. I. (1847) Short description about Little Russia’s Cossack people and its war affairs. M.: also reprinted edition: Symonovskyi P. Y. (2016) Short description about Little Russia’s Cossack people and its war affairs. M., Yzd-vo V. Sekachev, 192 p.; S. Velychko’s annals (1851). K., vol. 1, part 1, chapter 1; vol. 2, pp. 573–574; S. Velychko’s annals (1864). K., vol. 4, pp. 4, 194–195, 224, 235, 269, 271, 279–280, 284–285; Ukrainian translation by V. Shevchuk: Velychko, S. Annals. Vol. 2, chapter 27 and others; Samovydets’s annals on the newly-opened lists (1878). K., 214; Funduklei, I. I. (1852) Statistical description of the Kiev province. Spb: Typ. MVD, vol. 1, p. 477 and others; Pokhylevych, L. (1864). Story abour inhabited areas of the Kiev province. K. : Typ. KPL, pp. 593–593 and others; Makaryi (1881). History of Russian church. Spb., vol. 11; Antonovych, V. B., Drahomanov, M. P. (1874). Historical songs of the Little Russian people. K., 1, 219; Kulish P. (1877). Materials for the history of reunification of Rus. M.: Obshchestvennaia polza, 1, 142–286; Naumenko, V. P. (1883). Origin of the Little Russian ballad about Samuil Koshka. Kyevskaia staryna, 6, 212–232; Holubev, S.T. (1883) Kievan metropolitan Piotr Mohyla and his followers. K.: Typ. KU, 1, 493–495; Kostomarov, N. I. (1882). I. Mazepa 2nd ed. Kostomarov, N. Y. (1885) Istorycheskye monohrafyy y yssledovanyia. Spb., 16, 245–246; Beliashevskyi, N. (1889). Church near the village Monasterok in Kanev district. Kyevskaia starovyna, XXIV, 210–213; Lebedyntsev, P. (1889) On the article by N. Beliashevskii «Church near the village Monasteriok in Kanev district». Kyevskaia starovyna, XXIV, 214 and others; volumes are given according to the modern edition: Hrushevskyi, M. (1995). History of Ukraine-Rus. K. 7, 146, 176–177, 251–252, 255,257, 281, 294, 390, 403–404, 432, 436–437, 443–444; the above-noted work, vol. 8, book 2, pp. 137–138: the above-noted work, vol. 8, book 3, pp. 124, 261–262: the above-noted work, vol. 9, pp. 394, 409, 807, 1026; Sources to the History of Ukraine-Rus. Lviv (1908). vol. 8, pp. 53, № 153, pp. 252–253 and others; Evarnytskyi, D. (1903). Sources for the history of the Zaporozhean Cossacks. Vladymyr, vol. 2, pp. 1722–1724 and others; Khvoiko, V. V. (1901). Stone Age of the middle trans-Dnieper region. Trudy XI AS, vol. 1. M., 736–812; Storozhenko, A. V. (1904). Stefan Batoryi and Dnieper Cossacks: researches, monuments, documents and notes. K. : Typ. H. L. Frantskevycha, 327 p. (pp. 16018, 100–131 and others); Parkhomenko, V. (1908). Outline of the history of Preyaslav-Borispol eparchy (1693–1785) related to the whole way of life in Little Russian at that time. – Pl., p. 16 and others; Klepatskyi, P. H. (1912). Outline on the history of Kievan land: vol. 1, Odessa: Typ. «Tekhnyk», 26. Lithuanean period (1912), XLIV, 599 p. and others. (in Ukr.)

Romanovskyi, V. (1919) From Kyiv to Kaniv. Historical places. K., 32 (in Ukr.)

Ryznychenko, V. V. (1926). In the mountains and steepe slopes of Kanev’s dislocations district. Kyev: Izd. II Vses. siezda heolohov, 102. (in Russ.)

Rudynskyi, M. (1926). Findings in the neighbourhood of Trakhtemyriv. Korotke zvidomlennia VUAK za 1925 r. – K., 100–102. (in Russ.)

Passek, T. S. (1949). Ros archeological expedition. AP URSR, 1, 209–222. (in Ukr.)

Kovpanenko, H. T. (1965–1966). Excavations of Trakhtemyriv’s site of ancient settlement. AYU 1965–1966, 1, 103–106; the same author (1969). Excavations of Trakhtemyriv’s site of ancient settlement. AYU, K., 2, 108–111; the same author (1971). New Excavations of Trakhtemyriv’s site of ancient settlement. Arkheolohycheskye yssledovanyia na Ukrayne 1968–1971. K., 3, 138–140; the same author (1972). Trakhtemyriv’s site of ancient settlement in Kaniv region. Materialy XIII konferentsii Instytutu arkheolohii AN URSR. K., 187–189. (in Ukr.)

Karher, M. K. (1950). Ruins of Zarubean monastery and the annalistic town Zarub. SA, 13, 33–62. (in Ukr.)

Mezentseva, H. H. (1965). Settlement of Polians in Kaniv. K.: Vyd–vo KDU, 123 p. (in Ukr.)

Braichevskyi, M. Yu., Kravchenko, N. M. (1960). Report on exploration on the territory of Kanev water storage reservoir in 1960. NA IA NANU, f. 1960/2v.; Kuchera, M. P. (1962). Report on archeological exploration in the zone of water storage reservoir in Kanev hydroelectric power station in 1960. NA IA NANU, f. 1962/13. (in Ukr.)

Petrenko, V. H. (1967). Right bank area of the Middle Trans–Dnieper region in V–III centuries B. C. SAY. M., 1–4, 15–38. (in Ukr.)

Shmahlii, M. M. (1970). Three-field system settlement near the village Hryhorivka on the Dnieper . Arkheolohiia. [W. c.], 24, 119–122. (in Ukr.)

Dovzhenok, V. Y., Prykhodniuk, O. M. (1971). Report on the work of Kaniv Slavonic-Rus expedition. NA IA NANU, f. 1971/14. (in Ukr.)

Prykhodniuk, O. M. (1980). Sites of ancient settlements Khalepie and Hryhorivka on the Middle Dnieper. Arkheolohiia, 33, 87–96. (in Ukr.)

Hopak, V. D. (1982). Ironware of the VIII–X centuries from the site of ancient settlement Monastyriok on the Middle Dnieper. Arkheolohiia, 39, 100–106; the same author (1988). Ironware of the VIII–X centuries from the site of ancient settlement Monastyriok on the Middle Dnieper. Slavianskye pamiatnyky u s. Monastyrek na Srednem Dnepre. K.; the same author (1997, 1998, 2000). Ancient history of Ukraine (in three volumes). K., vol. 1; K., vol. 2; K., vol. 3. (in Ukr.)

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