Labor activity of local industry workers in Ukraine from 1943 to1950


O. Titika



The article analyzes the labor activity of local industry workers in Ukraine during the post-war reconstruction period.

The feature of the reconstruction processes study and functioning of the industry of Ukraine from 1943 to1950 inmodern national historical science is to focus not only on the main industrial sectors but also on those branches of the industrial complex of the republic, which, although not considered basic and decisive for the restoration of its industrial potential, but they played an important role in the post-war revival of the entire economy and social sphere. This applies, in particular, to the local industry of Ukraine. At the same time, separate segments of its history of this period are still not well-researched, including labor activity of industry workers. This problem is the subject of consideration in this publication.

It is proved that the labor activity of the industry workers was regulated by the current state normative documents and legal acts and directed at the rational use of material and technical resources, the production of quality products, the mandatory implementation of certain policy objectives, and so on.

Total productivity of labor was low. Non-economic forms and methods of organizing the labor activity of production workers, that is socialist competition, the movements of the Komsomol-youth brigades, Stakhanovites, and others were applied at the same time. In view of inconsistency, they gave some positive results, since they were aimed at increasing the production of goods and improving their quality, saving raw materials, fuel, electricity, mastering advanced technologies in the production process, and so on. Due to noneconomic methods of stimulating labor activity in the industry, the fulfillment and over-fulfillment of state output products was largely ensured.





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