Legal status of health care workers in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic


Olga Paramonova


Introduction. The efficiency of public policy in the health care depends from the level of development of rule’s system, how deeply and fully social interaction in the medical sector was regulated. Studying the historical and legal aspects of the development of health care workers legal status is the necessary condition for finding out the level of modern «medical» legislation and its future prospects. Using this historical heritage is an important source of building healthcare system in the modern Ukraine.

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify special features of legal status of health care workers in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic on the basis of studying of legislative and scientific works.

Results. «Rules of the health workers professional activity» was the first basic legal act, which determined legal status of health care workers, specified requirements in different medical careers. It was adopted by the Resolution of the SNK of the Ukrainian SSR on April 17, 1924. However, besides with the Rules there were many orders, circulars, instructions that created confusion in the regulation of the rights and responsibilities of health care workers.

Cash and other benefits, pensions were material and social guarantees of the health care workers in that time. They were established by the government decrees or circulars of special health care bodies.

According to the Ukrainian SSR Criminal Codes of 1922 and 1927 and labour legislative health care workers were prosecuted for violations of the rules of medical assistance providing or official misconduct and negligence in the performance of duty.

Conclusion. Legal status of the health care workers in the Ukrainian SSR had such special features: health care workers lost civil servant status, but not received any another status; for 40 years «Rules of the health workers professional activity», adopted by the Resolution of the SNK of the Ukrainian SSR on April 17, 1924, determined rights and duties of Ukrainian soviet doctors, their responsibility for professional mistakes, regulated wide range of issues in medical sphere; because of the difficult economic conditions in the state, normative guidance of social guarantees of professional medical activity were not complied; for negligence in the performance of duties health care workers were liable for labour or criminal legislation.




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