


The article analyses the production activity in 1943–1950 of the local industry enterprises of Ukraine an industry that although not related to the main in the industrial complex of the republic, but played an important role in the postwar revival and the needs of all economic and social development and livelihood of the population. It is analyzed measures aimed at organizing the production process, problems and difficulties in this case and the ways and means of overcoming. Take apart the results of individual industries and in general throughout the industry. It is found that a characteristic feature of the local industry of the republic in the defined period was the annual increase in product range and volume of production.

It is emphasized that the final five-year in the main local industry sub-sectors - metalworking and chemical - was developed and introduced a number of new technological processes that helped to accelerate the process of reconstruction and capacity building industry, increase of industrial production, reduce of production costs and improvement of working conditions. It is also shown positive effects in the measures to specialization of enterprises and concentration of production, introduction of stream method of manufacturing process and mechanization of production. The conclusions emphasize that despite the existing problems and difficulties, the production activity of enterprises the People's Committee (Ministry) of local industry of the USSR played a significant role to decide the priorities of the postwar revival of economic and social development of Ukraine. Further in-depth study of the problem is an urgent task of national historical science.





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